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Risk Management

Our Risk Management Services

We help our clients to navigate the risks of working in complex environments drawing on our expert personnel, systems and processes to address their specific needs.

Our Government partners and clients expect high levels of awareness, understanding and scrutiny of the risks of modern slavery, money laundering, sanctions and funding terrorism. Delivering projects in fragile environments requires working within complex and often extended supply chains. Combining our own context analysis and diligence processes with checks against resources such as World-Check© as provided by Refinitiv, helps ensure Integrity and its partners meet their legal and fiduciary obligations, thereby managing reputation and compliance risks across our portfolio.

We help our clients manage risk in challenging environments. Drawing from localised research on the causes, drivers, actors and influencers of conflict, volatility and instability, we agree with a client on the risk level. Based on both evidence and our experience, we provide recommendations on how to manage risk and uncertainty.

To help our clients to meet legal and fiduciary obligations, thereby managing reputation and compliance risks across portfolios and programming. Delivering projects in challenging or fragile and conflict-affected environments often requires working within complex and extended supply chains. Our approach is to build high levels of awareness, understanding and scrutiny of key risk areas such as modern slavery, corruption, fraud, safeguarding, sanctions and funding terrorism.

  • Risk assessments
  • Environmental, social and human rights assessments
  • Context and stakeholder mapping
  • Political economy analysis
  • Fiduciary risk assessments and financial monitoring
  • Identifying, managing and monitoring local partnerships
  • Stakeholder engagement, management and reporting
  • Data gathering, monitoring and analysis including KPIs
  • Incident reporting and management
  • Implementation monitoring
  • Policy design
  • Training and awareness
  • Travel advice and management.

Our Risk Management Services Project Summaries