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Social Accountability in the Arab World

Social Accountability in the Arab World

Social Accountability in the Arab World


Nov 2012 – Mar 2013

Name of Client

Project Objectives

The World Bank sought to develop a network of social accountability practitioners in seven countries in the Arab World. Integrity was contracted to conduct a baseline study on the nature of state-citizen relations in the aftermath of the Arab Spring. Integrity researched state-citizen relations in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Yemen.

Project Outputs

Integrity’s research and reporting provided an increased understanding of the nature of social accountability in the assessed countries of the Middle East and North Africa, informing the clients work so as to inform and improve their programme design and implementation. Working from this baseline, the client was able to understand their impact on social accountability and beneficiary engagement.


Egypt,  Jordan,  Lebanon,  Morocco,  Palestine,  Tunisia,  Yemen,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis,  Stakeholder Engagement, 

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