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Evidence, Analysis and Coordination Programme (EACP), DRC

Evidence, Analysis and Coordination Programme (EACP), DRC

Evidence, Analysis and Coordination Programme (EACP), DRC


Apr 2013 – Oct 2017

Name of Client

Project Objectives

Integrity’s longest running project sought to challenge and improve FCDO DRC’s understanding of the political economy context in DRC. The project combined research management and technical expertise to support and improve FCDO DRC’s programming in a range of provinces and sectors.

Project Outputs

Integrity, as part of a larger consortium, produced a large volume of political economy analysis (PEA) and other research studies on different provinces (including Kasai Occidental and Equateur) and sectors (including mining and health pay reform) to feed into FCDO programming across DRC. The findings from the studies were presented on a periodic basis to the FCDO team in Kinshasa and shared more broadly with other key stakeholders. The research identified various barriers to, or key enablers of, change based on an analysis of how power is distributed among different actors. The programme has also increased the knowledge and expertise that FCDO is able to access, through targeted events and management of an online Expert Platform.


Democratic Republic of the Congo,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis,  Stakeholder Engagement, 

Collecting Firewood Basankusu, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Stability, Accountability, Prosperity

Integrity sets the international standard for ethically delivered, expert services in conflict, post-conflict and fragile contexts. Through our work, we transform conflict and build stability, accountability and prosperity.

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