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Evaluation of the multi-donor Health Pooled Fund (HPF) in South Sudan

Evaluation of the multi-donor Health Pooled Fund (HPF) in South Sudan

Evaluation of the multi-donor Health Pooled Fund (HPF) in South Sudan



Project Outputs

With an annual budget of over £130m, FCDO South Sudan works to provide humanitarian relief and basic services in education and health. The FCDO-led Health Pooled Fund (HPF) provides the majority of life saving health care in South Sudan, delivering essential services through over 1,000 health facilities, enabling 34,000 women to give birth in health facilities and over 8 million patient consultations in 2016. In 2017, HPF funded health facilities will provide over 1.8 million consultations to children under five, with over 137,000 children and pregnant women receiving high intensity nutrition support.

We are assessing the relevance, effectiveness and sustainability of the HPF in order to improve the design of similar initiatives in the future.

We are working with UK and Canadian government representatives in Juba, South Sudan, to assess the performance of the HPF and how well it is meeting the needs of beneficiaries, South Sudanese citizens requiring public health services. Our team of consultants is working in states across South Sudan to understand how HPF-funded projects and programmes have been developed and delivered. The evaluation will result in improved design and delivery of future support to public health services in South Sudan.

This project demonstrates our ability to safely and efficiently deploy expert teams in fragile contexts while delivering sophisticated, contextualised reporting.


South Sudan,  Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, 

South Sudan

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