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USAID/South Sudan Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Support Activity (MELS)

USAID/South Sudan Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Support Activity (MELS)

USAID/South Sudan Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Support Activity (MELS)


2021 – 2026

Name of Client

Project Objectives

Implemented by Integrity Global, along with partner Management Systems International (MSI), the five-year Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Support Activity (MELS) supports the implementation of USAID/South Sudan’s Strategic Framework (2020-2024) through tailored monitoring and evaluation services to enhance Mission programs.

Project Outputs

n a dynamic operating environment, MELS provides USAID/South Sudan with flexible, demand-driven technical, analytic, and advisory support in order to strengthen collaboration, learning and adapting (CLA); promote institutional memory; produce monitoring, evaluation, learning products as appropriate; strengthen knowledge management and organizational learning (KMOL), organizational effectiveness and operational efficiency; and strengthen data-driven decision-making through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and other innovative spatial analyses.

Key activities currently planned for Year 1 include: –

  • Third-Party Monitoring (TPM) of USAID activities, including implementation of a community monitoring system for USAID’s humanitarian assistance activities to provide ongoing TPM of critical emergency interventions throughout South Sudan.
  • Piloting a participatory monitoring and evaluation approach through the development of community scorecards to track progress toward community action plan outcomes.
  • Performing evaluations, desk reviews, and assessments of USAID development and humanitarian assistance activities as requested by the Mission.
  • Supporting the development of a CLA approach that utilizes the data generated from USAID activities to inform and adapt programming, including convening a learning forum and supporting community-level learning spaces.

Stability, Accountability, Prosperity

Integrity sets the international standard for ethically delivered, expert services in conflict, post-conflict and fragile contexts. Through our work, we transform conflict and build stability, accountability and prosperity.

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