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Syria Holistic Assessment Pilot

Syria Holistic Assessment Pilot

Syria Holistic Assessment Pilot


2018 – 2019

Project Outputs

Integrity piloted a newly-developed holistic education assessment instrument across northern Syria. The pilot was in support of Save the Children’s implementation of an Education in Crisis and Conflict (EiCC) capacity development programme, funded through the Whole of Syria Education Cluster with the Education Cannot Wait fund. The assessment tool was designed for Grade 2 and Grade 3 children and included three domains: reading skills, maths skills, and social and emotional skills. Integrity administered the tool to 1,500 students in northwest and northeast Syria using a rigorous sampling methodology that achieved gender parity, representative geographic sampling and interrater reliability.


Syria,  Data and Knowledge Management,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis, 

Syria Hollistic Assessment Pilot

Operating Globally

Integrity operates offices in the UK, US, Jordan, Kenya and Pakistan with programmes and projects in multiple countries. Our multi-national team of over 60 specialists has extensive experience of delivering complex programmes in fragile geographies across the globe.

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