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Programme Management And Technical Support To The Independent Commission For Aid Impact (ICAI)

Programme Management And Technical Support To The Independent Commission For Aid Impact (ICAI)

Programme Management And Technical Support To The Independent Commission For Aid Impact (ICAI)


2015 – 2019

Project Outputs

The Independent Commission for Aid Impact scrutinises UK aid spending. ICAI works to ensure UK aid is spent effectively, for those who need it most, and delivers value for UK taxpayers. ICAI operates independently of government and reports to Parliament through the House of Commons International Development Committee.

ICAI’s formal remit is to provide independent evaluation and scrutiny of the impact and value for money of all UK Government ODA. This involves: –

  • carrying out well-prioritised, well-evidenced, credible, thematic reviews on strategic issues faced by the UK Government’s aid spending
  • informing and supporting Parliament in its role of holding the UK Government to account
  • ensuring the work is made available to the public.

We support the delivery of ICAI reviews to the UK Parliament’s International Development Committee, through data collection and analysis as well as global operations and programme management.

We enable ICAI Commissioners to deliver ICAI reviews, leading and contributing to research and analysis on how the UK spends its Official Development Assistance (ODA) budget. We also provide programme support services and duty of care for all personnel involved in the programme. Our staff and consultants play essential roles on numerous ICAI reviews, including on UK aid in Somalia and DFID’s approach to ensuring value for money. We manage the deployments of all review teams including to volatile contexts like Somalia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

This support to ICAI demonstrates our programme and policy-level analytical expertise and our ability to manage a complex programme of multiple simultaneous global deployments.


United Kingdom,  Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning,  Project Management,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis, 

Independent Commission For Aid Impact

Sustainability, Accountability, Prosperity

At Integrity much of our work contributes to the transformation of conflict, recovery from natural or man-made disaster, economic regeneration and the effectiveness and accountability of aid and assistance.

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