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Public Experiences and Perceptions of Police Service Delivery, South Sudan

Public Experiences and Perceptions of Police Service Delivery, South Sudan

Public Experiences and Perceptions of Police Service Delivery, South Sudan



Project Objectives

Provide research support to FCDO programme establishing four model police stations across South Sudan, as part of a broader programme of security sector reform in the country.

Project Outputs

Through a qualitative approach, Integrity was able to map local non-state security providers around the four proposed stations. Integrity conducted an extensive number of interviews with relevant stakeholders, including: station commanders, state police commissioners and security advisors; non-state service providers; police officers; women’s groups; market and informal traders; traditional leaders; religious leaders; and youth groups. This research informed the development of a strategy to improve linkages between the South Sudan Police Service (SSPS) and non-state security providers in four locations across the country.


South Sudan,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis, 

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