Monitoring and Evaluation partner for the Climate Public Private Partnership programme
Monitoring and Evaluation partner for the Climate Public Private Partnership programme
Project Outputs
The Climate Public Private Partnership (CP3) programme is a six-year, £130 million programme funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth nd Development Office (FCDO) and the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) through the UK Government’s International Climate Finance (ICF). It aims to increase low carbon investment in renewable energy, water, energy efficiency and forestry in developing countries.
CP3 participates as an equity investor in two private equity funds and contributes to a technical assistance facility that provides grant and reimbursable grant support for first-time funds, renewable projects and climate funds.
CP3 aims to demonstrate that climate friendly investments in developing countries are not only ethical but can also deliver commercially viable returns. Through this demonstration, CP3 seeks to catalyse new sources of finance, such as pension and sovereign wealth funds, to flow into climate mitigation and adaptation.
A consortium led by Integrity, along with LTS-Niras and Climate Policy Initiative, acts as Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) partner to the CP3 programme. We provide a rigorous and independent assessment of the relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the programme in catalysing the role of private sector finance to drive low carbon, climate resilient growth in developing countries. This includes assessing and measuring whether the programme is meeting its milestones, and the extent to which the programme’s theory of change is being enacted. Specific activities include: –
- Supporting the revision of the CP3 logframe and regular results reporting
- Reviewing the CP3 theory of change
- Conducting annual investment and thematic case studies, mid-term evaluation and an end-of-programme impact evaluation,
- Supporting ongoing learning and knowledge sharing
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning,