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Mid-Term Review And Final Evaluation Of The I4ID Programme

Mid-Term Review And Final Evaluation Of The I4ID Programme

Mid-Term Review And Final Evaluation Of The I4ID Programme


2016 – 2020

Project Objectives

Integrity is leading a consortium to design and implement the mid-term review and final evaluation of the I4ID programme. The I4ID programme is innovative and experimental, informed by an emerging development narrative that new approaches to development investment are required to increase development impact. As such, our evaluation approach has been devised with the new development narrative of ‘doing development differently’ in mind. The objectives are to build and share better understanding of how change happens and if and how flexible and adaptive programming approaches work, and to demonstrate how strategic programme direction can be determined.

Project Outputs

The design phase established a core set of “evaluation questions” linked to the I4ID programme management contract’s Theory of Change (ToC) and the I4ID programme’s overarching ToC. These will be used as the foundations for designing a MTR and final evaluation, including a stakeholder dissemination and engagement strategy. A MTR is to be completed by June 2019 and a final evaluation by June 2021.


United Republic of Tanzania,  Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, 

Tanzania, A Tanzanian woman cooks Pilau rice dish wearing traditional Kanga.

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