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Mid-term Evaluation of the Somalia Stability Fund

Mid-term Evaluation of the Somalia Stability Fund

Mid-term Evaluation of the Somalia Stability Fund



Project Objectives

To conduct a mid-term evaluation of FCDO’s Somalia Stability Fund (SSF) with our partners OPM and Axiom. The SSF is a multi-donor fund designed to support peace and stability in Somalia. This theory driven evaluation has the primary purpose of generating learning about the flexible SSF approach and testing its relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability. Primary data will be collected at project sites across Somalia.

Project Outputs

The findings of this evaluation will be used to inform the next phase of the SSF which is expected to begin in 2016. It will also provide insight into what works well in adaptive programming in fragile and conflict affected states.


Somalia,  Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, 


Sustainability, Accountability, Prosperity

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