Evaluating a Rule of Law Fellowship Programme, UK
Evaluating a Rule of Law Fellowship Programme, UK
Project Objectives
To evaluate the impact of the John Smith Trust (JST) Rule of Law Fellowship, designed for outstanding individuals who are already leaders in their country to develop and deliver action plans that benefit their community.
Project Outputs
The JST believes that sustainable systemic change can be enhanced by external actors working with individuals to achieve their own objectives in ways that embed globally recognised standards of good governance, human rights and the rule of law in their working practices and world view. To understand the changes occurring, Integrity is currently monitoring and evaluating the JST’s Middle East and Gulf programme, which includes fellows from Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Bahrain and Oman, through interviews and survey results collated on a regular basis. Integrity’s ongoing monitoring and reporting is assisting the JST to plan the next residential programme and for ongoing management of the Fellow’s Network.
Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Oman, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning,