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Egypt Research and Analysis Project

Egypt Research and Analysis Project

Egypt Research and Analysis Project


2018 - 2020

Project Outputs

We assist the British Embassy in Cairo to improve the effectiveness of CSSF-funded development programming in Egypt through research, capacity building and evaluation services.

We work collaboratively with our clients at the British Embassy in Cairo and in Whitehall to clarify the objectives behind UK programming and improve both the availability and use of evidence on projects funded by the CSSF. By a tailored use of research, capacity building and evaluation services, our team improves project and implementing partner effectiveness and accountability.

This project demonstrates our role as trusted advisors to governments, working with them to improve project design and delivery.


Egypt,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis, 

Stability, Accountability, Prosperity

Integrity sets the international standard for ethically delivered, expert services in conflict, post-conflict and fragile contexts. Through our work, we transform conflict and build stability, accountability and prosperity.

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