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Analysis of Livelihoods and Peacebuilding, South Sudan

Analysis of Livelihoods and Peacebuilding, South Sudan

Analysis of Livelihoods and Peacebuilding, South Sudan


2012 - 2014

Project Objectives

Investigate whether increasing livelihoods programming would support the organisation’s peace-building objectives.

Project Outputs

Through research in four locations in Upper Nile State, Integrity found there was insufficient evidence to conclude that increased livelihood programming would support peacebuilding. However, it was possible to conclude that it could potentially mitigate conflict, as well as support an increased standard of living. Our recommendation was to implement a joint livelihoods-security pilot, in recognition that singular focus on livelihoods was insufficient to combat the negative effects of community insecurity. Field data were collected and analysed in close cooperation with the National Bureau of Statistics, in line with Integrity’s commitment to building local research capacity in our areas of operation.


South Sudan,  Research, Evidence, and Analysis, 

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