Evaluation of USAID/Somalia Alternative Basic Education for Pastoralists (ABE) Activity
Evaluation of USAID/Somalia Alternative Basic Education for Pastoralists (ABE) Activity
Project Outputs
Under USAID’s Reading & Access Evaluation’s contract, implemented by NORC at the University of Chicago, Integrity conducted a final performance evaluation of the USAID Alternative Basic Education for Pastoralists (ABE) program in Somalia. ABE, a five-year $10 million program, sought to improve access to equitable, quality education for pastoralists and other marginalized children in south-central Somalia.
Integrity led the design and implementation of the evaluation, along with a trusted local data collection partner who was able to securely access remote areas across Somalia. The evaluation intended to assess ABE’s implementation in the dynamic Somalia programming environment, while contextualizing internal and external factors that impeded or enabled, and negatively or positively influenced its interventions for sustained functionality.
This evaluation assisted the USAID Somalia Mission in reaching decisions related to: (1) effectiveness of the current approach to alternative basic education programming in Somalia; and (2) the nature and scope of other interventions in the education sector. With this end line evaluation, the Mission captured emerging results to inform decisions about future education programming in Somalia.