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Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Knowledge Management for the Deepening Democracy Programme (DDP) – Kenya

Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Knowledge Management for the Deepening Democracy Programme (DDP) – Kenya

Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning and Knowledge Management for the Deepening Democracy Programme (DDP) – Kenya


Jul 2016 – Jan 2020

Project Objectives

FCDO’s Deepening Democracy Programme in Kenya aims to support more inclusive and accountable governance in Kenya through elections, and support to accountability institutions and civil society. Integrity is supporting the programme through its management and implementation of the programme’s integrated monitoring, evaluation and learning function. Integrity is transferring learning across the team to support the programme’s adaptive programming approach, and inform timely decision-making and programme adjustments. Integrity is also working with consortium partners to transfer this knowledge to external stakeholders and to generate further lesson learning in the development sector.

Project Outputs

Expected outcomes of DDP include credible, well managed, non-violent elections in Kenya in 2017; enhanced accountability of public institutions; enhanced women’s participation in political leadership and democratic governance processes in Kenya.


Stability, Accountability, Prosperity

Integrity sets the international standard for ethically delivered, expert services in conflict, post-conflict and fragile contexts. Through our work, we transform conflict and build stability, accountability and prosperity.

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