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Mid-term Evaluation of Joint Programme on Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery (JPLG) Phase II in Somalia

Mid-term Evaluation of Joint Programme on Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery (JPLG) Phase II in Somalia

Mid-term Evaluation of Joint Programme on Local Governance and Decentralised Service Delivery (JPLG) Phase II in Somalia


Sep 2015 – Feb 2016

Name of Client

Project Objectives

To assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and value for money of JPLG II, a UN joint programme to support local governance reforms and improve basic services delivery in Somalia. The JPLG is funded by donors including FCDO, Danida, the EU, SIDA and the Swiss Development Cooperation. The review sought to identify critical strategic and systemic issues and to recommend adjustments which would support JPLG II to improve performance. The methodology included a comprehensive desk review and primary data collection in Somalia and Kenya.

Project Outputs

Recommendations were categorised as urgent or to be implemented over the next 12 or 24 months in order to support effective uptake. It was also proposed that these form the basis of a monitoring plan overseen by a restructured steering committee.


Somalia,  Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, 


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