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Police Language Training Support, South Sudan

Police Language Training Support, South Sudan

Police Language Training Support, South Sudan



Project Objectives

Support design of a pilot programme for delivering English-language training and mentoring to the South Sudan Police Service.

Project Outputs

The pilot was intended to identify a methodology that would enable the eventual delivery of English language training to over 10,000 policemen. First, Integrity assembled a highly experienced team to provide the initial training in teaching English as a second language. This was followed by the teachers returning to their states and delivering a four-week English for beginners training course, supported by an ‘English as a foreign language’ (EFL) specialist through a‘coaching’ model’. Participants reported that this coaching helped reduce feelings of isolation, increased confidence, self-esteem and problem-solving capacities. Coaching support also enabled the teachers to develop collaborative skills to better contextualize how they delivered their courses.


South Sudan,  Capability and Capacity Development, 

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