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Evaluating Remote Management Programmes, Somalia and Northeast Kenya

Evaluating Remote Management Programmes, Somalia and Northeast Kenya

Evaluating Remote Management Programmes, Somalia and Northeast Kenya



Project Objectives

To undertake an independent process evaluation of the remote programme management (RPM) practices adopted by FCDO and its implementing partners in Somalia and North-East Kenya.

Project Outputs

The team mapped existing practices and gathered evidence to inform recommendations on appropriate remote management approaches and tools for its programming in these locations. The outputs of this evaluation were designed to enable FCDO to: learn lessons regarding appropriate remote management practices for different types of programming; inform its future strategy and programming decisions in Somalia and North-East Kenya; share findings with other FCDO offices and development agencies using remote practices in their delivery; contribute to the knowledge base on remote management and third party monitoring. The evaluation also addressed questions of the level of accountability of programming activities in Somalia and NE Kenya. Research conducted at the community level highlighted a disconnect between beneficiary perceptions of aid effectiveness and the programming intentions of implementing partners and donors. The evaluation addressed different ways of strengthening community involvement in remote programme management, thereby improving the contextual understanding of international actors.

Integrity News Post (PDF)Working Paper (PDF)Final Evaluation Report (PDF)


Kenya,  Somalia,  Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning, 

Somalia, Shoppers in Hamarwayne market in Mogadishu Somalia on July 04, 2016 ahead of Eid Al-Fitr celebrations. AMISOM Photo / Ilyas Ahmed

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