Integrity’s Service Offering for Education in Crisis and Conflict
We are proud to announce the launch of Integrity’s Capability Statement on Education.
Our work in Education cuts across the humanitarian and development nexus and recognises that the increasing frequency and duration of emergencies means there is a growing number of children who are displaced, out of school, and whose learning is disrupted. Integrity is best placed to support in Education in Crisis and Conflict (EiCC) contexts where delivery challenges are at their greatest and evidence of what works are weakest.
Our work in Education involves providing bespoke services adapted and tailored to support the needs of the Education sector. To date, this work has predominantly focused on three key technical service areas:
- Our Research, Evidence and Analysis helps to guide clients in effective design, implementation and learning from education programming in challenging contexts.
- Our Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning services provide the tools to measure the effectiveness, impact and sustainability of education programmes and support learning to adapt programming and better inform policy-making.
- Our Data and Knowledge Management provides intelligent and integrated knowledge management solutions, including data collection, analysis and visualisation technologies with integrated GPS mapping tools.
We provide education expertise in three key areas including:
- Improving Education Data for Results and Accountability: We offer expertise in remote monitoring, conflict sensitive programming, conflict sensitive education and in managing sensitive issues such as child safeguarding and the protection of marginalised populations.
- Promoting Education Best Practices and Adaptive Learning: Integrity is well placed to assess implementation in practice and to benchmark and determine standards of delivery.
- Building Education Research and Addressing Evidence Gaps: Integrity helps address the research gaps and build the evidence on interventions that are efficient and effective in educating children in challenging delivery contexts.
Our contextual expertise comes from working in different countries across multiple regions including Middle East Asia, East Africa and West Africa. Integrity is committed to the global goals for universal and equitable education. Our clients in education include the World Bank, USAID, DFID, FCO, Save the Children and ICAI. Our research is helping to inform partners working on Education in Crisis and Conflict (EiCC), including the Education Cannot Wait initiative.
An example of our work in education
Integrity conducted a ten-month education study representing the first wide-scale research since the start of the Syrian conflict on how teacher practice and learning spaces influence child learning and wellbeing. The research focused on analysing and assessing both teacher behaviours and learning environments for Grade 2 and Grade 3 children in areas not controlled by the Government of Syria (GoS).
It adopted rigorous methods for data collection, holding consultations with nearly 6,000 informants through key informant interviews, focus group discussions and direct classroom observations to gather a wealth of primary data. The methodology also included a broad consultation process with over 250 sector stakeholders to ensure recommendations were meaningful and actionable.
“The purpose of the research is to better understand the teaching and learning environment in schools and non-formal learning spaces inside Syria and to identify examples of best practice to address some of the barriers to safe, quality, inclusive education. This research will improve our understanding of how schools can promote children’s learning and wellbeing in conflict contexts.” – Quote from the DFID terms of reference
To read more about this project and how this impacts Education in Crisis and Conflict, download our 2019 briefing note on the Lessons from Syria for improving Education in Crisis and Conflict programming. Alternatively, check out our recent news article on the completion of the project here.
We invite you to read and share the attached capability statement. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to discuss in more detail.